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In memoriam Timothy Brown

With great sadness we have been informed that Timothy Brown, known as the “Berlin Patient”, has passed away on Tuesday September 29th at 3.00 hours PM PST, due to leukemia.

Stem cell transplantation
Timothy was diagnosed with HIV in 1995. In 2007 he was diagnosed with leukemia when he was living and working in Berlin as a translator. During his stem cell treatments for leukemia, doctors discovered that not only had the leukemia gone into remission, but Timothy’s HIV had been cured. No signs of HIV had been found since.

Earlier this year, the leukemia resurfaced and had spread widely through his body. The past few weeks Timothy received home hospice care in his apartment in Palm Springs, California. His partner, Tim Hoeffgen, has never left his side.

Source of inspiration
Timothy has been and is still a great inspiration for HIV/AIDS patients and scientists for all over the world. He was an active public figure in the HIV/AIDS arena and embodies a shared hope for a practical cure.

Timothy was also the source of inspiration for the IciStem study and was actively involved in the project as member of the community board.

Timothy was very enthusiastic about the two other IciStem patients that have not experienced HIV rebound after treatment interruption. He felt his family of cured persons was extended. Before he deceased Timothy expressed the importance of a cure for all and asked scientists and donors to keep fighting for a cure that works for everyone. He will be genuinely missed.

Our thoughts are with Tim, his family members and loved ones.

The IciStem project is currently supported by the Aidsfonds. IciStem was established with funding from the AmfAR Research Consortium on HIV eradication (ARCHE) Research Grant # 109858-64-RSRL

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